By Continuous Architecture, we want to procure a safe and collaborative environment for architecting together. Our objectives are to
Make the decisions more transparent and clarify its rationale for all stakeholders
Continuously plan technical foundation needed to implement near-term features without excessive redesign and delay
Coming up with the right system boundaries and manage dependencies between systems
Facilitate collaboration and teams works so that they can focus on value
Develop sharing of best architecture practices
An evolutive toolbox based on practionner’s feedbacks
Continuous Architecture will be a product with Continuously releasing evolutions based on feedbacks. and members contributors.
An Open source Initiative launched by MICHELIN and GLUENDO
Continuous architecture Model was Initially developed by Michelin & Gluendo to setup an agile architecture operating model and to support the Michelin digital journey.
Designed around an empowerment and operational architecture toolkits that are available now under open-source license, we would like to shared more broadly the approach with professionals facing the same reality, in order to improve it and build and architecture learning ecosystem .