
Encompass product mindset and agile delivery

A shift from project to product…

…requiring Continuous Architecture activities…

Advanced Organisation are moving from project to product*  to, beyond the simple deployment of agile methods on development teams, adapt there operating model to deliver continuous value to there end users and modernize there information system with empowered teams. 

It requires to implement  Continuous Architecture practices to support : 

  • Continuous Exploration
  • Continuous Building
  • Continuous Deployment

Continuous Architecture

Importance to continuously consider the different IT cycle :

  • Exploration : What is the claim , what is the problem to resolve ?
  • Building : What is the digital offer and products to respond to it?
  • Deplouement : What is the value to harvest (GO LIVE)?
  • Architecture : How to develop one sustainable  system? 

…from idea to retirement

In such organisation, Architecture activities needs to support the product lifecycle from idea to retirement

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